DocuPhase file monitor is a program that helps transition paper documents into digital files and route the into a specific place in DocuPhase. Scanned paper files are sent to a monitored folder. From there, they are uploaded into DocuPhase. Docuphase uses barcodes to make this happen. File Monitor is also in an app form. This is program that must be started for use in the App Form. , While, the service will run continuously.
First download the tool then run the configuration file as an administrator it will bring up the configuration box
There are several things to note. The Upload as multi-page documents allows you to scan documents with more than one page into one file. This is very useful unless you use single page documents.
Also you can select the ... to the right of where it says Monitored folder and choose your own folder but the default is C:\Treeno\Scan. The same with the recovery folder, you may choose to change the placement of that folder.
If you are running the service version of the tool, type services into your start menu to bring up something that looks like this.
Scroll down to Treeno File Monitor it will pull up this window
Make the adjustment to Startup Type so it reads Automatic Delayed Start. then click the Recovery tab at the top.
Set all failures to Restart the Service the make the change to Restart service after 5 minutes.
Your install and configuration is now down.
Documents scanned will scan to your monitored folder. After 30 seconds, or less your document will disappear from your scan folder and will be uploaded into DocuPhase.
If there is no barcode or if the barcode not read correctly the documents will end up in the inbox of the user used to configure the service.
Barcodes can be printed directly from DocuPhase. Find the folder you want your document in and double click it.
This will bring up a print screen.
Note, you will see the cabinet and folder as well as the indexes of the folder.
If there is no document type to distinguish a document with the barcode will be uploaded to the main tab in the cabinet
From here you have two options You can choose print barcode under Select a File Action.
This will bring up a barcode print page
Note how this barcode defines the cabinet, folder and document type. You can use this as a conversheet for the document and it will route documents into the specific document type.
The other option is to print barcodes for inboxes and generic bar codes This is what that looks like.
You can check several barcodes to print off. Select the options sproket and select print barcode.
Notice the lack of information on this barcode. If lacks any cabinet or folder information
Scanning a generic barcode like this one requires the combined use of a folder barcode. So to use these you would scan the folder barcode first, the generic document type, and then your document and it will be routed to the specific folder and document type. The benefit of printing generic Document Type barcodes is that they may be used over and over again with any Folder Barcode.
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