DocuPhase has implemented the ability to utilize directory services as a method for logging into the system with Single Sign-on (SSO). This new login process will impact all users, regardless of whether their organization is using the new SSO functionality or not.
To enable SSO at your organization, reach out to the DocuPhase Support team to integrate with your Identity Provider.
For more information about implementing SSO at your organization, view the release notes for this feature update here on or after 12/12/2023.
The new login flow is outlined below for both SSO users and non-SSO users.
These changes are scheduled to be included in the next Pro release which is tentatively scheduled for 12/12/23.
Logging into DocuPhase Pro
If my organization is using Single Sign-on (SSO)
If your organization is using SSO, your administrator will communicate the change to you. Rather than logging in by entering your DocuPhase username, you will enter your organizational email address when prompted to log in.
- Navigate to
- Enter your email address
Note: If your username has changed due to enabling SSO at your organization, your local admin should have communicated this to you
- You will be redirected to your organization’s directory services login page
- Authenticate your identity through your organization's preferred Identity Provider (IdP) by entering your password
- If Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is enabled on your directory services, you will be required to complete MFA as part of this process
- Once authentication has successfully completed, you will be redirected and logged into DocuPhase Pro
Your account will remain authenticated to DocuPhase Pro until your login expires (based on your organization’s login rules) or you log out of your directory account.
If my organization is not using Single sign-on (SSO)
- Navigate to
- Enter the username you use to log into DocuPhase Pro
- Your page will update to show a password field.
- Enter your password
- Click Submit to log into DocuPhase Pro
How do I know if my organization is using Single Sign-on (SSO)?
- You should be alerted by your DocuPhase Administrator if your username for login has changed in order to utilize Single Sign-on. To log in with SSO, you will enter your email address instead of your DocuPhase username.
- If your organization is using SSO: After entering your username on the first DocuPhase Pro login screen, you will be sent to your organization’s Directory Services login page (Microsoft O365, Entra, Azure Active Directory, Okta etc...)
- If your organization is not using SSO: After entering your username on the first login screen, you will be prompted to enter your password to login into DocuPhase.
How can we enable Single Sign-on (SSO) for our organization?
Reach out to the DocuPhase Support Team to begin the process of integrating DocuPhase with Identity Providers.
What are the benefits of enabling Single Sign-on (SSO)?
- SSO allows the use of security features which are enabled by your Identity Provider (IdP), such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), which increases your organization’s system security.
- Once you have authenticated into DocuPhase with your network account, you will remain authenticated until your account is Logged Out from the IdP.
Is Single Sign-on (SSO) included as part of our DocuPhase Pro package?
Yes. Contact DocuPhase Support to integrate with your Identity Provider and enable SSO functionality.
Is there a charge to implement?
No, but Support assistance will be necessary to implement this functionality.
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